IPO Result of Khaptad Laghubitta (KHLBSL) Published

Prabhu Capital Limited has concluded IPO allotment of Khaptad Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited today on 20th Bhadra. You can now the check the IPO Result of Khaptad Laghubitta on MEROSHARE.
The microfinance company KHLBSL had issued IPO to general public from Bhadra 8 till Bhadra 12, 2079. Khaptad Laghubitta had issued 1,32,000 units shares worth Rs. 1.32 crores out of which 2000 units were for the employees of company, 6,600 units were for the mutual funds and remaining 1,23,400 units was for the general public.
How to check IPO result of Khaptad Laghubitta ?
The following steps can be followed to check IPO result of KHLBSL:
Step 1 : Open the site www.iporesult.cdsc.com.np on your browser.
Step 2: The site will look like this:

Step 3: Select the company as Khaptad Laghubitta, type in you DEMAT account number along with captcha and press View Result.
Step 4: After completing the process, the result will be shown. If you are allotted the screen will appear like this.

Other ways to check IPO Result of Khaptad Laghubitta is via the website of Prabhu Capital or after some days it will appear on your MEROSAHRE Application Report as Allotted or Not Allotted.
IPO issue of Khaptad Laghubitta was completed successfully with application from 11,84,826 applicants for 1,32,46,580 units worth Rs. 1.32 Arab. The issue was oversubscribed by 107.34 times. So, only 12340 applicants are allotted with the IPO of Khaptad Laghubitta, remaining applicants return empty handed.
Read More : Upcoming IPO ( Initial Public Offering ) in Nepal 2022