IPO Shares of 3 Companies listed in NEPSE

IPO Shares of three companies which had recently issued Initial Public Offering (IPO) to the general public has been listed in NEPSE. These Companies include Shrijanshil Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha, Peoples Hydropower Company and Eastern Hydropower Limited.
10,93,750 Units IPO Shares of Shrijanshil Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (SHLB) has been listed in NEPSE. The Opening Price Range for Shrijanshil Laghubitta is set as Rs 302 to Rs 906 for the First Transactions.
3,20,00,000 Units IPO Shares of Peoples Hydropower Company Limited (PHCL) has been listed in NEPSE. The Opening Price Range for Peoples Hydropower Company is set as Rs 100 to Rs 300 for the First Transactions.
62,00,000 Units IPO Shares of Eastern Hydropower Limited (EHPL) has been listed in NEPSE. The Opening Price Range for Eastern Hydropower Limited is set as Rs 72.33 to Rs 216.99 for the First Transactions.