
Top 10 Companies of Nepal 2022

Top 10 Companies of Nepal

Nepal Telecom, Nabil Bank and Nepal Reinsurance Company Limited top the list of top 10 companies of Nepal on the basis of market capitalization. The list is limited to the companies listed on Nepal Stock Exchange.

Companies are established by the government, individuals or a group of people with motives of providing service to the general people. Earning profits is also one of the primary objectives of these organizations. Over the course of three to four decades, the number of companies has grown rapidly in Nepal.

All these companies are from different sectors and have made great impact in the economy of Nepal through their services and contribution. Some other companies like NCELL, Nepal Electricity Authority are not included on the list of top ten companies because they are not publicly traded in Nepalese Share Market.

Top 10 Companies of Nepal ( In terms of Market Capitalization )

S.N.Company Name Market Capitalization ( NPR )As on
1Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited ( Nepal Telecom )176,400,000,000.004th May 2022
2Nabil Bank Limited168,130,338,921.004th May 2022
3Nepal Reinsurance Company Limited110,209,000,000.004th May 2022
4Citizen Investment Trust90,451,481,064.404th May 2022
5Nic Asia Bank Limited89,216,301,661.004th May 2022
6Nepal Life Insurance Company Limited74,528,335,820.004th May 2022
7Global IME Bank Limited70,364,042,508.104th May 2022
8Nepal Infrastructure Bank63,093,600,000.004th May 2022
9Hydroelectricity Investment and Development Company Limited57,261,600,000.004th May 2022
10Prime Commercial Bank Limited53,450,365,968.004th May 2022
Top 10 Companies of Nepal

Top 10 Companies of Nepal : Interesting Facts

  • Market Capitalization of these companies are worth more than 950 Billion NPR.
  • Combined market capitalization of the top 3 companies of Nepal is more than 450 Billion NPR.
  • Financial Institutions occupy 5 out of 10 spots in the list of top 10 companies of Nepal.
  • Government of Nepal has invested in five out of these top 10 companies.
  • Dividend distribution history of these companies are considered to best compared to other companies.
  • Nepal Telecom occupies the top position and has more than 50 % market share in voice and data service it provides.

Yo May Read This : How to Register a Company in Nepal ?

Frequently Asked Question

Who is the highest tax payer among these companies ?

Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited is the highest taxpayer among the list. The company paid NPR 27.73 Arab in the fiscal year 2077/78.
Highest Tax Payer
Which sector tops the list of top ten companies ?

Commercial Banks are on the top with four of them on the list.
Top Sector


As they are publicly traded daily on Stock Exchange, Nepalese Investors can buy and sell these shares to earn profit. The position may change with time due to fluctuation in market price of these companies. The list of top ten companies of Nepal above is as per the date: 2022-05-04

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