Arun Valley Hydropower Development Company Proposes 8.421% Dividend

Arun Valley Hydropower Development Company (AHPC) Dividend
  • Arun Valley Hydropower Development Company (AHPC) proposes 8.421% dividend for the fiscal year 2078/79.
  • The hydropower company has proposed 8% in bonus shares and 0.421% in cash dividend (incl tax).
  • The dividend will be distributed to the shareholders only after the approval by upcoming AGM.

Arun Valley Hydropower Development Company (AHPC) has proposed 8.421% dividend for the fiscal year 2078/79 out of the total paid up capital Rs 1.72 Billion. The (24-10) meeting of the board of directors held on Mangsir 16 has proposed dividend for the shareholders which is yet to be approved by upcoming AGM.

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