Chilime Hydropower Company (CHCL) Proposes 15% Dividend

Chilime Hydropower Company (CHCL) has proposed 15% dividend for the fiscal year 2078/79. The hydropower company has decided to distribute 7.5% in bonus share and 7.5% in cash dividend including tax. Chilime Hydropower Company has announced dividend from the total paid up capital of Rs 6.75 billion which is equivalent to Rs 1.01 billion.
Amount allocated for 7.5% bonus share and 7.5% cash dividend of CHCL is equivalent to Rs 50.63 crores each. The proposed dividend of Chilime Hydropower Company (CHCL) will be distributed to the shareholders only after the approval by upcoming AGM of the company.
Book closure date for proposed 15% dividend of Chilime Hydropower Company (CHCL) is 3rd Poush 2079.