Hydroelectricity Investment and Development Company Ltd. Proposes 5.263% Dividend for FY 2078/79

Hydroelectricity Investment and Development Company Ltd. (HIDCL) has proposed 5.263% dividend for the fiscal year 2078/79. The company has proposed 5% in bonus share and 0.263% in cash dividend.
The amount proposed for bonus share is equivalent to Rs 1.06 billion and amount proposed for cash dividend is equivalent to Rs 5.59 crores respectively.
The meeting of the board of directors held on 14 December 2022 has decided to distribute 5.263% dividend. The dividend will be credited to the shareholders account only after the approval by upcoming AGM of the company.
Read More: SHIVAM CEMENT Proposes 10.53% Cash Dividend for FY 2078/79