NLG Insurance Company Limited Proposes 10.5263158% Dividend

NLG Insurance Company Limited Dividend
  • NLG Insurance Company Limited (NLG) proposes 10.5263158% dividend for the fiscal year 2078/79.
  • The Company has proposed 10% in bonus shares and 0.5263158% in cash dividend (incl tax).
  • The dividend will be distributed to the shareholders of the company only after the approval by upcoming AGM.

NLG Insurance Company Limited (NLG) has proposed 10.5263158% dividend for the fiscal year 2078/79 which is equivalent to Rs 13.95 crores. The total paid up capital of the company is Rs 1.32 Billion. The meeting of the board of directors has proposed dividend for the shareholders which is yet to be approved by upcoming AGM.

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